IT was wonderful to see all our regulars who descend on Port Alfred from all parts of the country who join us annually for the Allan Wilson Classic Croquet Tournament being held this week, together with many new players. The weather seems to be playing ball this year so we look forward to a wonderful week of croquet.
Once again a very big thank you to Graham Wilson for his generous sponsorship of the tournament which is held annually in remembrance of his dad who was the founder member of the Port Alfred Croquet Club.
The finals of all matches will be played on Saturday and we look forward to some top class games being played.
The week will culminate with a prize giving dinner on Saturday night. A big thank you to Noeline Kirsten for arranging the more than 200 matches and we will sorely miss the management of Johan Kirsten who ran the tournament so successfully for many years.He will be in our thoughts on Friday as he would have celebrated his 72nd bir thday.