MUNICIPAL workers owed over R1-million to Ndlambe Municipality by March this year, as highlighted by finance portfolio councillor, DA caucus leader Ray Schenk at the executive committee (exco) last Friday afternoon.
“Municipal staff debt again shows an increase of more than R74 463 in March [2016] over January,” he said. “It is now [standing at] R1 194 190 which is unacceptable and requires immediate intervention by management.”
As of March 31, the operating account showed a negative cashbook balance of R3 859 331.
Schenk said that operating expenses were considerably below those figures budgeted.
Schenk said it was noted that only 13% of the municipal by-law compliance budget had been used, 46% of the general works budget, 41% of the sewage budget, 45% of the allocated workshop budget, 11% of the money set aside for project management, 7% of the public relations budget, 11% of the registry budget and 16% of the publicity budget.
“March was the ninth month of the current budget year which, in theory, means that approximately 70% of the budget should have been utilised. I ask the question whether these votes were over-budgeted,” said Schenk.
The reading of water meters has also not improved. As of January through March only 81% of the meters were read.
More alarmingly, and with a considerable financial deficit on their hands, the municipality was owed over R2.5-million by provincial and government departments which is over 60-days outstanding.
Schenk, however, congratulated municipal finance director Howard Dredge and said that daily cashflow is monitored and managed effectively to ensure the municipality does not overspend.