A vision

DURING June, we celebrate the diversity of young people and dream of the future for our country.

A vision of a non-racial, vibrant and prosperous South Africa. Our future is our youth. While we celebrate our youth, we must acknowledge the country’s jobs crisis. It is our young people who are most affected. Six million young people in South Africa cannot enter the job market and cannot participate in our economy. They therefore cannot build a life for themselves because they are left out and left behind. Without a growing economy and job opportunities our young people’s dreams are shattered.

The biggest disgrace is that under President Zuma’s presidency we now have 8.9-million unemployed people in South Africa. Despite this, the ANC government finds it appropriate to announce that the President will be receiving a new luxury jet at a cost of R4-billion.

R4-billion could pay for over 606 000 work opportunities for young people.

To add insult to injury we hear that R8.6-million was spent on the President’s wives new cars. This could have funded 116 university students for a year. The government must spend every cent properly and not wastefully.

The DA believes that the state must bring stability to our economy so that more people would want to invest in South Africa. Where the DA governs we make sure the money is spent on the people to create jobs and deliver better services.

The ANC is failing the people of South Africa. The ANC, like President Jacob Zuma, only care about putting themselves first. This is unfair and steals opportunities from those most in need. On August 3, vote for change, change that will bring freedom, fairness and opportunity.