Roadworks to begin on R72 in urban Port Alfred

WORK on the upgrading of National Route R72/3 in the rural area to the east of Port Alfred has now been ongoing for quite some time and the whole section is now in various stages of construction with activities like fill, layer works and large structures in progress.

Work in the urban section of Port Alfred will start soon. Road construction and ancillary works for this project will be done within the Sanral road reserve of the R72/3 through Port Alfred. The construction work will be the installation of the underground stormwater system and the rebuilding of the road R72/3 through town from km -1.3 (near Beavers on the western outskirts of town) to km 3.1 (near Build-It on the eastern outskirts of town).

The first phase will be the relocation of services and the construction of the new underground stormwater system from the marina eastwards to Hallier Street at the eastern outskirts of town.

Construction work will start in the week from Friday August 19. Permanent day/night, stop/go lane closures will be in place, until construction on that portion is complete, where construction work is going to take place right next to the roadway and where stormwater pipes needs to be placed across the roadway.

Residents and property owners adjacent to the R72/3 will be contacted via flyers that will be placed in their post boxes. Contact information of key construction staff will be on these flyers, so affected parties can make contact to arrange for meetings, to discuss the effect construction will have on them.

Residents of Port Alfred are requested to please be patient and be aware of road signs, speed restrictions and other safety issues while construction takes place. Work will not always be pleasant for residents but the end product of new climbing lanes on the roads, piped stormwater, sidewalks, traffic lights and street lights will make it worthwhile and a benefit to all residents once construction work is completed.