EAST Cape Shotokan-Ryu (ECSR), which has dojos in Port Alfred and Grahamstown, is excited to host senior karate master, Shihan Koos Burger, this week.

Burger is the style-head of the South African Shotokan Karate Academy, the 1st vice president of the World Union of Karate Federations and a technical director of the International Shotokan Ryu Karate-do Shihankai.
He is also a past student of the late Japanese karate master, Sensei Taiji Kase. Kase was one of the first Japanese masters to teach karate in South Africa and Europe.
Burger has 53 years of karate experience, and as the holder of an 8th dan black belt, he is one of the world’s most respected senior Shotokan karate instructors. Burger and his wife, Ida have annually been visiting ECSR’s Port Alfred dojo since 2000.
ECSR head Gary Grapentin said that during his visit this week, Burger would teach in Alicedale, Grahamstown and Port Alfred. The week’s training will culminate on Saturday in a provincial dan grading in Grahamstown. A number of local karateka from Port Alfred and Grahamstown will be attempting various levels of dan/black belt grades.
For further information contact Grapentin at garyg@geenet.co.za.