Crime briefs

MULTISECURITY reports mentioned few incidents over the past week, some being false alarms.

Dogs were reported to be barking in Riverside Road at 11.30pm last Wednesday night and in George Street last Friday night at 8.30pm, but on both occasions when response officers arrived, all was quiet.

An actual noise disturbance came from two vehicles parked under the trees outside the Lodge on the East Bank at 7.45pm last Thursday night.  The occupants were reportedly making a noise and when response officers arrived, they found the occupants were drinking alcohol and called the police. The officer advised the occupants to leave as it was private property.

There was also an alleged domestic violence incident which occurred at Heritage Mall between a male and a female security guard who were arguing at 7.30pm last Thursday night.  They were both escorted off the premises.

There were also at least two (reported) motor vehicle accidents.  One occurred on the corner of Biscay and Main Road between a security vehicle approaching the Southwell T-junction and a car towing a boat on a trailer coming in the opposite direction. When the car turned across the oncoming traffic into Biscay Road, the trailer clipped the back of the security vehicle and removed its bumper, but the damage was not serious.

There was also an attempted break-in reported at 4.15am last Friday.  MultiSecurity sent response officers after receiving a panic alarm from a premises in North Street.  A window had been forced open, but the suspect had not gained entry and had already departed by the time security arrived. The police were also informed, but no case opened.

A suspicious vehicle driving up and down Sevenoaks Street with no lights on was reported but not located.