On Thursday the 29th of December the monthly New Moon occurs.
This means that the twice monthly Spring Tide (which occurs at Full Moon and at New Moon) peaks on Thursday 29th December.
Spring Tides happen twice every month, at full moon and at new moon, and bring higher than normal high tides, lower than normal low tides and stronger than normal rip currents around the coastline. There are two high tides and two low tides every day.
Spring Tide will start to build in intensity from today, Monday, 26th December, peaking on the New Moon day, Thursday 29th December, and gradually lessening in intensity towards about Monday, 2nd of January.
Anyone visiting the beach from today, 26th December, will notice that these twice daily high tides start to gradually get higher than normal, as this week progresses, and the twice daily low tides gradually start to get lower than normal, as this week progresses, peaking on the day of the New Moon, on Thursday, 29th December.
It will also become visibly noticeable that rip currents will begin to get stronger than normal from today onwards.
NSRI are urging bathers, paddlers and anglers to be aware of this year’s end of the year “New Moon Spring Tide” happening at a time when most families will be visiting the beach (coastline) and extreme caution around the coast is advised.