LAST Wednesday January 25, I posted details on Facebook (FB) regarding a quiz that I am organising to raise funds for the Port Alfred Soup Kitchen (PASK) to take place next week Thursday February 9.
This poster was put on the PASK page as well as other sites that would generate an interest to support this event such as the “Sunshine Coast Tourism” page, which has over 2 000 members, “What’s Happening in Port Alfred and the Sunshine Coast” with over 1 000 members and also the “Ndlambe Poster Board”.
However I was notified by a friend that she could not find the poster and suspected that it was deleted. I then checked myself and double checked and indeed confirmed that it was no longer there. Subsequently I commented (see photo) for an explanation, but this too was deleted. Obviously whoever manages the “Ndlambe Poster Board” (which incidentally had 723 members last week, but shows a membership of 514 today – so again I must wonder what is going on with this FB group), is biased either against the Soup Kitchen, MyPond Hotel, Stenden, The Talk of the Town, Jon Houzet, Debra Harris or myself. I find this very petty and narrow-minded as all we are trying to do here is raise much needed funds to be able to keep the PASK going which feeds the poorest of the poor in the area and which is on the brink of closing down yet again.
At the same time we are very grateful to those who do support us like many businesses in town, individuals as well as overseas visitors. So I feel one should put aside any differences one might have and stand together and unite to help the needy and not allow personal issues to interfere.