Ward 10 committee notes

Seasonal music festival

QUESTIONS regarding the holiday season special events dominated the Ward 10 committee meeting, held at the council chambers on Monday, with members asking what the purpose was of the December 16 music festival at the hospital field, which overflowed to the krantz.

Municipal refuse

An item in the agenda contained an error in stating, “A high court ruling was issued to close the refuse site at Marselle”, and was not picked up by members present. According to the High Court ruling the municipality was ordered to rectify the dump site at Marselle.

Outstanding debt

Schenk said that debt for Ward 10 was still at an unreasonably high level, although it had reduced somewhat year on year. It was reported that, as at December 16, debt for the ward stood at just over R24.6-million compared with the total debt for all wards of R107.8m.

For more on these items, get your copy of this week’s Talk of the Town.