‘HA! Maaaaan that was great!’



MAGICAL SOUND: Ha!Man in his element, enthralling a full house at Graze by the River this past week. Picture: LEBOGANG TLOU
UNIVERSE OF SOUND: Francois Le Roux, popularly known as the Ha!Man, is a man of very few words with an entire galaxy of sounds fusing together in his mind-blowing concert act Picture: LEBOGANG TLOU

GRAZE by the River came to life this on Tuesday when sensational composer and inspiring cellist the Ha!Man stopped by in town.

In an elegant garden at the back of the beautiful Graze by the River, spirits were high, the atmosphere most welcoming. Tables were set and already occupied by laughter and conversation while a solitary Ha!Man set up to take everybody on a guided tour of his musically genius mind.

A man of few words, Ha!Man is a musical conduit of the post-everything era, playing an uplifting musical score to literature which is still to be written.

[Read more in this week’s Talk of the Town]