A ton of dagga worth an estimated R2.2 million has been seized by Eastern Cape SAPS this week in two separate incidents. The men are due to appear in court on Tuesday.

In the first incident a man was arrested for a charge of possession of dagga worth more than R1 million.
Police Captain Namhla Mdleleni reports that Queenstown based public order policing members arrested the 35-year-old man in the early hours of Monday morning.
POP members were patrolling along the N6 and spotted a Toyota with CA registration plates. On searching the vehicle they found 26 bags of dagga valued at more than a R1 million. The man was allegedly travelling from Ntabankulu to Cape Town.
In a separate bust in Kwadwesi, Port Elizabeth on Monday, SAPS arrested a 46-year-old man in possession of a large quantity of dagga.
A tip-off led police to the house where a Mazda Drifter was found with large bags of dagga.
Police spokesman Captain Andre Beetge said intelligence operatives received word of a bakkie packed with bags of dagga parked outside the house.
Captain Andre Beetge said a combined operation was conducted by the Motherwell Operational Command Centre, Crime Intelligence, Flying Squad and the K9 Unit.
The dagga bags, with a weight of almost 500 kilogrammes and with an estimated street value of R1,2 million was confiscated.
The driver of the bakkie was arrested and is due to appear in the New Brighton Magistrate’s Court on a charge of dealing in dagga.