Taxi strike: mayhem continues in Cape Town

THE taxi strike in the most congested city in South Africa could, according to the Cape Chamber of Commerce, be the “straw that breaks the camel’s back”.

BURNT-OUT REMAINS: A bus was torched on the N2 during the taxi strike in Cape Town Picture: Anthony Molyneaux

Cape Town has been crippled by a violent strike that started on Monday morning.

Buses in several areas have been stoned and set alight and police and traffic officials have come under attack, according to Western Cape police spokesman Captain FC van Wyk.

The city is grappling with widespread congestion on the roads.

Janine Myburgh, president of the chamber, said: “We are already dealing with a disrupted and inefficient rail service compounded by a traffic congestion problem… so this could well be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back.”

Jay-Jay Maans, chairman of the Retreat Taxi Association, distanced this organisation from the violence but said drivers are unhappy about leadership within provincial and national taxi organisations. In addition, said Maans, they are concerned about vehicles being impounded unfairly.

Myburgh said while road safety cannot be compromised and the rule of the law needs to be upheld, if there is proof of corruption that should be eradicated.

“This strike is bad news for everyone concerned and when business suffers so does our community,” she explained.

Shortly before noon on Monday the N2 inbound was still closed after a MyCiti bus was torched by protestors. Commuters were forced to walk back home. Public order policing units are being deployed to hotspots such as Dunoon and Fisantekraal near Durbanville.
