SUSPICIOUS men, one armed with a firearm, were spotted at the Ndlambe sewage plant on Monday afternoon.
Hi-Tec, which posts guards there, contacted MultiSecurity, who in turn informed SAPS, who sent several police officers to the scene. They took a statement from the guard and opened a case.
The sewage plant has been hit numerous times by copper cable thieves over the years, and a few months ago a guard was shot dead by assailants who stormed the guardhouse.
- There was a break-in in Ferndale Road last Friday night. A tenant at the premises contacted MutliSecurity when she noticed it. MultiSecurity response officers and the police responded and found that the burglar(s) had gained entry through the kitchen window which had been left open for the cat, with a big gap in the burglar bars. A laptop and camera were stolen. MultiSecurity said there was no alarm system in the house.
- A burglar forced open the bathroom window of a home in Port Frances Crescent last Tuesday, triggering an alarm. MultiSecurity responded and control room informed the response officer that more beams were being triggered in the house, so the burglar was probably still inside.
More response officers attended, as well as the police, but while they were watching the front of the house the burglar got out by the same window at the back and fled the scene. He got away with jewellery and small items, but MultiSecurity said they had identified him.
- Two intruders at a home in Hockley Road were scared off when the residents shouted at them in the early hours of Friday morning. The residents contacted MultiSecurity which sent response officers to patrol the area, but they did not find anyone suspicious.
- Intruders at a home in Lancing Street were chased away by the owner’s dog last Wednesday night. The owner reported that the intruders were using a dark colour Toyota Tazz but he was unable to get a registration number.
- A staff member at Guido’s at West Beach contacted MultiSecurity and asked for the police to attend to public drinking, noise and public indecency in the parking lot on Sunday. The police responded and the revellers dispersed.
- MultiSecurity responded to various reports of suspicious men or vehicles around town over the past week. Last Saturday night a MultiSecurity response officer on patrol alerted his control room when he spotted two suspicious men in Dickinson Road, one carrying a purple bag. The men disappeared into the bushes near the golf course. Other response officers patrolled the area but could not find the men.
- A man carrying a Kowie Museum signboard in Wharf Street aroused the suspicion of a staff member at the Port Alfred tourism office last Friday. He contacted MultiSecurity and a response officer looked for the man but could not find him.
- A pineapple thief was pursued by MultiSecurity response officers on Sunday night after stealing pineapples off one of the trucks parked at Die Kooperasie/ PA Truck Stop in Albany Road.
The thief disappeared in Station Hill, but dropped a bag of stolen pineapples, which were returned to the truck stop.
- MultiSecurity asked the police to attend to stray cattle on the R67 between the turnoff to 43 Air School and the turnoff in to Thornhill on Sunday night. The police said they would send a vehicle. Two hours later cattle were reported on the road near LP Gas. SAPS was again contacted and said they would send a vehicle.
- Highway Motors/Buddy Burgers in Albany Road contacted MultiSecurity for assistance last Friday night when beggars began harassing their customers. The beggars left when they saw a response officer arrive.