Sewage back-up affects Port Alfred businesses

COVER BLOWN: Manhole cover leaking sewage into van der Riet Street this morning

RAW sewage was spilling out of two manhole covers into Van der Riet Street this morning due to a back-up at the Wharf Street pump station.

It is already affecting businesses on Van der Riet Street including The Courtyard behind Athina’s Delights deli.

Resident and local businessman Allan Sheridan, who owns The Courtyard, said he has pumps which are working double time to keep the sewage from backing up on his property, and reported the leak to the municipality.

“They said they are working on the pump station at Wharf Street. Whenever they work on the pump station – which leads up to the sewerage farm – it backs up further down the line and overflows.”

Ward 10 councillor Ray Schenk warned residents it is likely have an ongoing affect.

See Talk of the Town for full story.