Neighbourly Notes – 27 January 2022

GONE FROM THE SHELVES: Sad news for South Africans with a taste for fish paste on their bread or toast, is that both Redro and Peck’s Anchovette have been discontinued. Some locals stocked up quickly before the shelves emptied. Picture: JON HOUZET

WITH shoppers noticing some of their favourite brands missing from the shelves of local supermarkets, Pick n Pay manager Jarred Moss provided a breakdown of the products we have lost during the lockdown. He said even before lockdown started people might have noticed that Kellogg’s Rice Krispies had been replaced with vanilla flavoured rice krispies – with more sugar and less rice. I hadn’t noticed that myself but with a bit of online searching I discovered that consumers had “revolted”, with the result that Kellogg’s caved in and resumed selling the original Rice Krispies again in SA. But it has to import the product from the UK, because it “no longer has the manufacturing capability” to produce the old favourite in SA. Curious thing, that. During the past two years chocolate lovers mourned the loss of Nestle Chocolate Log, while they also feared Peppermint Crisp had been discontinued. However, Nestlé apologised for a shortage of Peppermint Crisp, saying it was caused by a factory “breakdown”. It reminded me of when Cadbury’s stopped producing Tempo back in 2017, which induced a special melancholy because I can remember when that chocolate was introduced in the ’80s. I saw the first ads for Tempo in a Ster-Kinekor cinema, with the cool slogan “Tempo – you can feel it in your feet.” Going back to other products which have been discontinued during the lockdown, we also saw the last of Simba’s All Gold Tomato Sauce chips – one of my favourites. Simba said South Africans’ taste preferences had changed over time and they were moving away from sweet, salty, creamy and tangy favourites. A dispute between Heinz and Pioneer Foods also stopped production of HP Sauce. Pick n Pay has imported the product, but in limited amount. Redro and Peck’s fish paste are the latest to be gone from the shelves, after Pioneer Foods said people no longer had an appetite for minced fish preserved in a jar. There might be hope if the related assets or brands are indeed being sold to another producer. Who can forget the “Wedwo” ad on TV? There has been a shortage of Marmite and Bovril, but they are still being produced.

GREETINGS and happy birthday wishes to everyone enjoying another special day in the week ahead, especially Shane Timm, Nosicelo Jongwana, Nerissa von Pletzen, Warrick Beetge, Eric Garner, Gary du Randt, Bruce Coates, Lorraine Mitchell, Mike Brown, Joy Venter, Kate Bendeman, Emma Thorp, Merna McCabe, Merryl Uys, Keanan Bergins, Michael Tarrant, Alex Harris, Denis Brummer, Kirsty Jooste, Heston Botha, Fransje Spieker, Brendon Wicks, Mya Schultz, Brigette Muller, Glynn Gudmanz, Amanda Rathbone, Odette van der Merwe, Heather Howard, Lara Sheffield, Len Clark, Ross Barnard, Cheryl Moss, Nan Hanly, Sarie Gysman, Cecily Gould, Doc Charles Louw, “Flame” Metter, Alfred Stevenson, Beverly Cockcroft, Leandre Marais, Dianne Barnes.

WISHING all businesses celebrating an anniversary further success for the future, especially The Courtyard, The Roof and Truss Plant and Multi Security (Bathurst).

WITH last year’s figures in brackets to compare against, the Rand was trading at R15.16 (R15.17) to the dollar, R20.50 (R20.83) to the Pound and R17.10 (R18.39) to the Euro. Gold was trading at $1,844.80 ($1,846.28), Platinum trading at $1,043.00 ($1,807.00) and Brent Crude was $88.92 ($56.08).

CONTINUING happiness and our congratulations to all couples celebrating another year of wedded bliss, especially to Thomas and Gayle Barnardt, Charles and Dawn Friderichs, Trevor and Beverley Els, Roger and Mary-Anne Gailey.

THOUGHT for the week: “If you think you have someone eating out of your hand, it’s a good idea to count your fingers”.

BEST regards as always,
The Team.