The Memorable Order of Tin Hats Society (MOTHS) of the Battle Axe Shellhole commemorated the first World War Battle of Delville Wood at the Eddie Grant Moth Hall on Sunday, July 17.

The Old Bill of Battle Axe Shellhole, MOTH Kevin Riddin said the 106th memorial parade of the battle of Delville Wood was to remember those who paid the supreme sacrifice at Delville Wood, those that survived, and to remember those who had since answered the Sunset Call.
The Battle of Delville Wood is recorded in history as an example of heroism by the South African Brigade that fought on the Western Front.
At the proceedings, a benediction took place with the gatherers standing to attention for the sounding of the Last Post, Two Minutes Silence and the Reveille. On the command of “Salute”, MOTHs and all the members in uniform attending saluted while the South African flag was raised. Riddin explained the reason behind observing two minutes of silence: “The first minute is a time of thanksgiving for those who have survived the many wars and other combat situations, while the second minute is to remember those who went before us,” he explained.
Family members whose grandfathers were among the few who marched out of Dellville Wood then laid wreaths on their behalf on the Cenotaph. Wreaths were also laid for SA Legion Alexandria Branch, Gunners, South African Military Intelligence Veterans Association, Royal Air Force Officers Club and for the MOTH society.