Teamwork is key for the new manager of Waters Meeting and Thomas Baines nature reserves. Talk of the Town gets to know Siphelele Hlazo.
Born and bred in rural Bizana in the former Transkei, the new manager of Waters Meeting and Thomas Baines Nature reserves, Siphelele Hlazo, has always been a nature enthusiast.
It was in Grade 7 and looking ahead towards high school when his teacher asked what his interests were.
“I said I wanted to be a biologist because I loved nature and the physical aspects of the environment,” Hlazo said.
Growing up in a village, herding the family’s cattle was one of his duties and that sparked his love for nature. “When I was herding, I would take longer routes deep into the bush that other boys didn’t – just to enjoy nature, so it wasn’t hard to see myself caring for nature,” he said.
In 2016, during the course of his studies, Hlazo volunteered at Mkambati Nature Reserve for six months while studying towards a Nature Conservation Diploma with the University of South Africa. He did his in-service training in the same reserve, from September 2016 to March 2017. It was thanks to the diligence he showed during his training that he was offered a permanent post as a senior field ranger the following month.
In March 2019, he was promoted to be a section ranger for Tsolwana and Commando Drift nature reserves. Three years later, he’s been appointed as the manager for Thomas Baines and Waters Meeting.
The concept of the two reserves – Waters Meeting focusing more on tourism and Thomas Baines more focused on environmental education – attracted Hlazo to take up the post.
Hlazo says he doesn’t regard himself as a manager, but as a team worker.
“My prime responsibility is to oversee processes at the reserve. I don’t regard myself as a manager but as a team worker to give support and advice,” he said. Hlazo’s responsibilities include engaging with stakeholders, ensuring there are sufficient resources for effective safety operations, admin duties and ensuring that staff morale is good.
“I’m more into motivating people and I want them to showcase their skills and capabilities,” he said. “When you’ve got a team, it is very important to know their strengths and weaknesses so you can bridge the gap between the two.”
Hlazo says he was once asked to describe himself according to an animal’s characteristics. He chose an ant because they work as a unit, which represents his management style.
“During good seasons, they collect food and bring it to their nest, then in dry seasons they are eating from that store because they know their seasons.
“Ants don’t work alone,” Hlazo says. “They work collectively as a team and stay united whether it’s the season for collecting or the season for feeding.
“I’m one person who doesn’t want to shine alone for work achievements- the whole team must shine together,” he said.
Hlazo starts off the week by calling admin officers to plan for the week ahead, then checks up on section rangers and environmental officers to ensure he gives them the necessary support. His weekly plan is guided by the activities happening at the reserves.
All in a day’s work!
He chose to work in the conservation sector to be able to protect and conserve natural heritage and be a voice for conservation.
“There’s no human being without nature,” Hlazo says. “We all depend on one another. It’s sad that we’re living in the era of climate change and global warming. I want to be a biodiversity ambassador to speak for non-living species that cannot speak for themselves,” he said.
Hlazo recommends that members of the public visit Waters Meeting to see the estuary point of connection where freshwater meets saltwater from the Kowie River Mouth. Other activities at the reserve include birdwatching, hiking trails and a picnic site with breathtaking scenery.
At Thomas Baines, visitors can fish or picnic at Settlers Dam, go on a game drive to see wildlife (even though they don’t have the big 5). Thomnas Baines has a conference venue with an enviro-educational centre and an eco trail that school children can enjoy.
Hlazo is a proud member of Kloof Conservancy, a dynamic organisation run by volunteers who promote environmental awareness and conserve the area’s outstanding natural heritage for present and future generations. Kloof is 30km from the Durban CBD.
Hlazo enjoys the different aspects of his work, including ecological research, tracking wildlife and stakeholder engagement. Most of all, he is passionate about environmental conservation. He says environmental conservation officers as the wildlife army.
“We are the South African Wildlife Defence Force because we are the first and the last line of defence when it comes to the protection of natural resources,” he said.
When taking time off from his busy work schedule, Hlazo enjoys playing soccer and spending time with his family.