High prices for slaughter cattle at Bathurst sale


The demand for slaughter cattle is very good with slaughter cattle still proving very expensive at the recent Hobson & Co sale at the Bathurst Showgrounds. The average price for four slaughter bulls was R15 225.00.

A total of 128 animals were sold on 8 November 2022, with four tollies (181-210kg) fetching the highest per kilogram average (R37.74) and at an average price of R6850.00 each. Eleven Nguni tollies in the same weight category sold for an average of R6000.00 each. Tollies greater than 321kg went for R10 200.00 on average. Heifers 281-320kg sold for a R8 700 average.

A total of 27 fat cows and 30 store cows sold for averages of R12 014.81 and R9 855.00 respectively.

The next sale at the Bathurst Showgrounds will be on 22 February.

The Charlgrove sale is on Tuesday 22 November at 11am.

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