Spiders are often Not Guilty says the expert

Speaker, author and environmentalist, Jonathan Leeming gives his ‘Bite me!’ presentation to a fascinated audience at the Don Powis Hall t Settlers Park recently. Picture supplied

More than 50 people overcame any feelings of arachnophobia when they attended the Kowie Museum’s latest fundraiser – a lively talk by Jonathan Leeming of Joburg on Spiders and Bites.

During regular visits to his family in Port Alfred Jonathan, speaker, author and environmentalist, has often donated his time and talks for the Museum’s benefit.

Last week, “Spiders and Bites” had the audience fascinated.  Apparently poor spiders (2400 different kinds) are blamed for many ills which have nothing to do with them, as illustrated by the very graphic slides on show.  However, spiders DO bite but the audience was told that Jonathan was sparing them the more gruesome images!

The Museum, in the Old Station Building, is open Tuesday to Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm.