The Portfolio Committee on Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism is holding public hearings in the six district and two metro municipalities of the Eastern Cape on 14-17 March.
In Makhanda, the town hall is the venue on Thursday March 16 from 10am to 1pm.
The Copyright Amendment Bill was passed by the National Assembly near the end of 2022. There were 163 votes for and 45 votes against and no abstentions. The Bill is currently in its third version and is under consideration by the National Council of Provinces. (See the history of the Bill here). The closing date for written submissions is April 11 2023.
‘New copyright bill will take South Africa into the 21st century at last’ first published in Groundup, sets out the context of the Copyright Amendment Bill. Its author Denise Nicholson, a copyright consultant, is among the interested parties who made submissions to the National Council of Provinces Trade & Industry, Economic Development, Small Business, Tourism, Employment & Labour Committee on March 7. It’s an opinion piece, but the context and history she sets out are helpful in understanding the background and current status of the Bill.
Enquiries about the Eastern Cape hearings should go to the Committee Coordinator Makabongwe Tylwani on 079 496 6490.