The state of *disaster declared to address the electricity crisis in February will be lifted on Wednesday, according to a letter addressed to labour union Solidarity by the attorney-general’s office.

Image: 123RF/TEBNAD
TimesLIVE has seen the letter.
“We are instructed that the minister of co-operative governance and traditional affairs, in consultation with the relevant cabinet members, has decided to terminate the state of disaster in accordance with the Disaster Management Act and to repeal the state of disaster regulations promulgated in [the] Government Gazette on February 27,” the letter stated.
According to Pretoria state attorney Sipho Mathebula, they were instructed that “the head of the National Disaster Management Centre has decided to revoke the classification of the impact of the severe electricity supply constraint as a national disaster”.
“The minister of CoGTA and the head of the National Disaster Management Centre will implement these decisions today [Wednesday] through the publication of the relevant notices in the Government Gazette,” Mathebula wrote.
“In the circumstances, the relief sought by Outa and Solidarity in its amended notice of motion is moot. There is no live controversy for determination.
“We invite the applicants to withdraw their applications. The first to fifth respondents tender the costs of the two applications and will consent to an order on these terms.”
He said the state respondents do not intend filing an answering affidavit addressing the merits of either application.
“We propose that the parties address a joint letter to the deputy judge president to inform him of these developments and, if necessary, to cancel the meeting scheduled for April 12.”
Solidarity’s Dirk Hermann welcomed the news.
“This letter is the direct result of Solidarity’s continuous pressure and it is clear the government stood no chance of success in court,” he said.
“The withdrawal of the state of emergency less than two months after it was instated indicates Solidarity was correct from the start in saying it was nothing but political theatre.
“All the necessary instruments needed to solve the power crisis have been in the government’s hands for years,” Hermann said.
*The headline and introductory paragraph previously said “emergency” instead of disaster.