Ndlambe Municipality’s directorates earlier this month shared their contingency plans for the 2023/24 festive season. The detailed document was included in the agenda of the council’s final meeting for the year, on December 8. We give you the essentials here:
Three of Ndlambe’s beaches were awarded Blue Flag status for the 2023/24 season, starting on December 1 2023. They are:
- Kelly’s Beach (for the 19th successive year)
- Kariega Main Beach (15th year running)
- Middle Beach, Kenton-on-Sea (second season)
The plan would be confirmed once the hiring of llifeguards and casual staff was complete. The interim plan for the Blue Flag beaches was to have:
- Lifeguards seven days a week, from 8.30am to 5.30pm during the Blue Flag season, from December 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024. These time might sometimes be extended, depending on circumstances
- Regular patrols of the area by SAPS and security officers
- Water sampling as stipulated by Blue Flag requirements
- Facilities cleaned regularly throughout the day
- Crews would arrive very early, daily, to clean up before most beachgoers arrive
- Additional casual workers assisting with cleaning from December 15 to January 3
At the less frequented beaches, lifeguarding services would be subject to availability. In general, Boknes, Kleinemonde, East Beach, Bushmans River beach and slipway, Fish River Beach and River Mouth, there may be between 2 and 4 lifeguards on duty 8.30am to 5.30pm, December 15 to January 15 (subject to availability). Casual cleanup teams will be on duty from December 15 to January 7.
There are no lifeguarding services planned for Port Alfred’s West Beach, where swimming is not permitted, nor Cannon Rocks.

Nature reserves
Three reserves are under the management of Ndlambe Municipality: Kap River Nature Reserve; Roundhill Oribi Nature Reserve; Great Fish River Mouth Wetland Nature Reserve.
At the Kap and Roundhill reserves, from 1 December to January 7, activities include routine fence patrols, anti poaching patrols, water management and general maintenance. At the Fish River Mouth reserve, from December 15 to January 7, refuse will be removed. The report notes that the camp site is closed and that camping is at campers’ own risk.
Cleaning and sanitation
Portaloos were to be be hired and placed at key sites in Kleinemonde, Fish River Mouth campsite, Kariega Main Beach and Kenton Middle Beach,and the Bushmans River Mouth picnic site.
In Port Alfred, portaloos would be placed at Ntakazilali, the library grounds, Kiddies Beach, the braai area behind Guido’s, West beach car park, Sandwana, Halfway Beach, Kelly’s Beach and Shelly Beach.
Cleanup teams are working at the busiest beaches in two shifts: 5am to 2pm and midday to 8pm. Additional casuals will be employed from New Year’s Eve to January 3.
Extra rubbish bins are being placed at strategic points.
Traffic management: Kenton-on-Sea
During peak periods, namely 15-17 December and 22 December to January 3, and access control boom gate will be in operation at the intersection of Eastbourne Road and Vasco da Gama Drive. Vehicles will be allowed to enter until all the designated parking bays are full. After that, they will be redirected to other parts of Kenton-on-Sea.
According to the Community Protection Services plan, vehicles obstructing private driveways will be towed away.
“A zero tolerance approach will be enforced for drinking and driving, public drinking, reckless and negligent driving and disorderly behavior,” the plan states.
Traffic management: Port Alfred
On 1 January, the following one-way traffic limitations will be put in place together with access control points:
- One-way traffic from the intersection of Muller Street and West Beach Road in an easterly direction to West Beach car park, along Beach Road past the braai areas to the intersection of Wesley Hill and beach Road.
- One-way traffic from the intersection of Oriole Road/Beach Road in a westerly direction (away from the river) to the intersection of Grand Street/ Wesley Hill Drive/ Muller Street.
- One-way traffic from the intersection of Beach Road/ Hirtzel Road in a westerlky dirction along Grand Street to the intersection of Grand Street/ Wesley Hill Drive/ Muller Street.
- One-way traffic from the intersection of Wesley Hill/Smith Street in a north-easterly direction to the intersection of Beach Road/ Smith Astreet.
Note: Muller Drive and Wesley Hill Drive will remain a two-way road.
Other facets of Ndlambe’s holiday season contingency plan include fire readiness, security and bylw compliance.
Along with beach patrols to make sure dog owners are complying with bylaws, Ndlambe’s community protection services will also be conducting education campaigns for dog owners, so they understand their responsibilities.
A joint operation centre (JOC) will be in operation during the season
Water provision
The Infrastructure directorate has outlined its plan for bulk water supply for each town in the area, along with roads and street lights
Municipal festive season finance office hours – Port Alfred, Kenton-on-Sea and Alexandria
Monday to Thursday 8am to 1pm; 1,45pm to 3.30pm
Fridays 8am to 1pm; 1,45pm top 2.30pm
22 December: Offices close at 1pm
29 December: Offices close at 1pm
For payment of accounts, the cashier closes at midday on December 14
During public holidays and we3ekends, the offices will be closed for payments. The alternative pay points may be used: Pick n Pay; Post Office; ATMs; PEP Stores
Prepaid electricity can be bought at:
Pick n Pay
THornhill vendore
Wentzel Park vendor
Boat licences – Kenton-on-Sea and Port Alfred finance offices:
Friday 15
Saturday 16
Mon 18-Thurs 21
Friday 22
Saturday 23
Tuesday 26
Wed 27-Thurs 28
Friday 29
Saturday 30
Tues 2-Thurs 4
Friday 5
Saturuday 6
Mon 8-Thurs 11
Friday 12
This article first appeared in TALK OF THE TOWN – the community newspaper for the Sunshine Coast, Ndlambe and Makhanda, in supermarkets and other outlets every Thursday.