Arrest for illegal firearm and suspected stolen property

Another illegal firearm was removed from the community of Alexandria when reliable information was received and followed up by members of Alexandria Police Station.

South African Police Service spokesperson Captain Marius McCarthy saidf Alexandria Crime Prevention members together with the detective on standby received information around 9.30pm on Sunday January 7 that a person was in possession of an illegal firearm. Members immediately proceeded to Wycombe Valley Farm and upon searching a 31-year-old man, a firearm with ammunition and a speedpoint card machine were found in his possession.

The suspect was arrested and detained at Alexandria Police Station on charges of possession of illegal firearm and ammunition as well as possession of suspected stolen property. He is due to appear before the Kenton-on-Sea, Magistrate Court on January 9.

Sarah Baartman District Commissioner Major General Zolani Xawuka applauded the members for immediately acting on information received and encouraged them to keep up the good work in ensuring the removal of illegal firearms from communities.