Fewer break-ins due to high public vigilance

FEW house break-ins were reported over the past week, and public vigilance appears to be an all-time high with a number of MultiSecurity reports relating to calls from residents about suspicious people and barking dogs.

On each of these occasions MultiSecurity has responded and either patrolled the area or inspected premises where the suspicion stemmed from.

The dry season has seen several veld fires breaking out, including one started after a serious vehicle accident on the road to Bathurst (see story on page 2). The fire department responded to another fire next to the Marjorie Parrish TB Hospital on Monday.

Last Friday the MultiSecurity control room received a report that a student was harassed at his residence in Hards Street by an aggressive vagrant who pulled out a knife when he was asked to leave. The vagrant left before the police arrived and was found at The Links where he was removed.

On Saturday evening a break-in was reported at Coates Construction on Wiersma and Horton roads. According to reports the suspects cut a hole in the fence and stole an undisclosed amount of wood, scaffolding and tar poles.

On Monday a fire broke out near Pondorosa Farm. A resident alerted MultiSecurity that the fire was busy spreading to the farm and that fire control were there but could not access the farm due to a locked gate.

On Monday afternoon the MultiSecurity control room received a call from a Hi Tec (Grahamstown) employee who reported that burglars were breaking into the Matebe Funeral Parlour in Station Hill. Upon investigation MultiSecurity response officers could not find any sign of a break-in.

A vehicle caught on fire on the corner of Wood and Albany Road Monday afternoon and was reported to the fire department which dispatched a vehicle and handled the fire. The two men inside the vehicle escaped unharmed.

An illegal immigrant was taken into custody Monday afternoon when a client in West Beach Drive reported people staying in the hut across the road from her premises at Port Alfred’s Middle Beach.

MultiSecurity response officers attended and reported there are two suspects staying inside who appeared to have broken the lock off to gain access and made fire inside with the floor boards. Responsible authorities for the hut were informed and attended the scene. According to reports only one person was found at the hut that could not speak English and was taken to Grahamstown.

On Monday evening a Tuna Road resident reported a man on their premises was threatening them with a glass bottle and a knife. MultiSecurity response officers reported the suspect ran into the bushes and hid near the Ndlambe municipal substation. He was arrested.