MultiSecurity crime briefs: Break-ins on the rise again

ON Monday evening a resident reported that there had been an accident on the corner of Smith and Stewart streets.

A MultiSecurity officer attended and reported that the driver of a white Audi A6 lost control of the vehicle and rolled it. The reaction officer requested that someone from Manelec also come out as power wires were also damaged by the vehicle. Control Room informed Manelec, Fire Control and Kowie Towing. Gardmed arrived on the scene but the driver of the vehicle had fled the scene.

Manelec was able to temporarily fix the electrical problem. Kowie Towing took the vehicle away. Fire Control reported that they were busy at a house fire in Nemato so were unable to attend.

  • A vehicle was reported stolen from The Lodge in Albany Road Saturday morning. All reaction officers on duty were informed to look out for the vehicle. Soon after, a MultiSecurity reaction officer reported that he found the vehicle and he was driving behind the vehicle in Albany Road. The reaction officer reported the owner of the vehicle’s girlfriend took the vehicle without the owner’s permission and bumped the car.
  • Last Friday the manager of Buco called MultiSecurity Control Room to report two men fighting in front of the shop. SAPS were informed and Multisecurity attended. A MultiSecurity reaction officer apprehended one of the men and SAPS gave both the men a warning.
  • Last Wednesday, Port Alfred High School contacted MultiSecurity to report that there was a suspect on premises in Horton Road. The MultiSecurity reaction officer reported that on his arrival he made contact with the domestic who informed him that she spotted the suspect inside the outside room and the suspect laughed at her and left the premises. The domestic worker said nothing had been taken.
  • Last Wednesday evening, a MultiSecurity reaction officer radioed in that a male and a female were fighting outside Kemsley Marine. He reported that the female had a knife. SAPS arrived and confiscated the knife.
  • The MultiSecurity Control Room received a call from a client in Greenmantle Drive in the early hours of Sunday morning who reported that there had been a break in at the premises and requested assistance. MultiSecurity reaction officers attended the scene who reported that suspects gained entry by an open window near the sliding door at the back of the premises. He reported that a Hurley backpack containing a camera, I-pad, Mac-Book and wallet was taken. The alarm was not armed so no signals were received
  • On Sunday evening, shortly before 10 pm, the MultSecurity Control Room received a panic signal from a home in Alfred Road. The homeowners requested SAPS as there had been a break-in at the premises. MultiSecurity reaction officers reported that burglars gained entry by squeezing through the burglar bars by an open bedroom window. They stole a handbag containing make-up, credit card and an expensive ball-point pen. The alarm was not armed as the clients were still awake.
  • On Monday, a break-in occurred in Muirfield Avenue. The client pressed the panic button and MultiSecurity reaction officers attended to the premises. A reaction officer reported that the burglars gained entry by the open bathroom window of the flat and bent the burglars bars open. They stole a Playstation 4.
  • A business in Best Drive, Albany Road, phoned the MultiSecurity control room to report a break-in last Saturday. MultiSecurity reaction officers attended and reported that burglars gained entry by breaking the back window of the tyre store room, and pulled the tyres through the window. They stole size 13 tyres.  A case was opened with SAPS.