MultiSecurity crime briefs

THE latest MultiSecurity reports suggest a quiet week in terms of reported incidents between last Wednesday and yesterday.

  • A break-in occurred at the Port Alfred Ski Boat Club’s upstairs restaurant, the Crow’s Nest, last Wednesday. The MultiSecurity control room received a call from the bar manager who reported that the burglar forced open the window and he used a hook to pull the flat screen computer and keyboard through the burglar bars. The bar manager reported the burglar did not gain entry into the premises. A MultiSecurity reaction officer attended the scene.
  • In the early hours of Sunday morning, the MultiSecurity control room received a panic from a client in Avocet Close. The client reported that there was a suspect on the premises. MulitSecurity responded and reported that a suspect gained entry through an open sliding door and stole a cell phone and wallet with an undisclosed amount of money.
  • Sunday morning at 4am, MultiSecurity control room received a signal from a triggered alarm at a residence in Francolin Road. The MultiSecurity control room made contact with the client who reported that there were burglars in the house. MultiSecurity informed SAPS and both armed response and police dispatched to the residence. The attending MultiSecurity reaction officers reported that burglars gained entry removing the burglar bars on a balcony window. The intruders fled when the alarm went off and were not able to steal anything.