Commuters on Albany Road encountered one of the biggest traffic jams in Port Alfred’s history on Wednesday morning due to a cement truck which had toppled at about 10pm on Tuesday night and blocked the road. One of the first residents on the scene was Martin Nell, who took scores of photographs and ascertained that the driver had had difficulty climbing the hill and rolled backwards till his trailer overturned. The driver and his assistant were unharmed. Crash Towing arrived to assist, and the traffic department responded at 3am. Traffic was diverted and Albany Road remained closed for more than 12 hours after the accident. It was a major undertaking to pull the trailer upright and transfer the cement. The traffic situation was exacerbated by the Putt Bridge still being closed for a sewerage repair project in Main Street and stop-and-go’s on the R67. Residents said it was like Johannesburg traffic.
Pictures by Martin Nell.