Heydays of the old pavilion

Serendipity with Bev Young

FONDLY REMEMBERED: The second construction of the Kowie Pavilion

ONE of the most iconic buildings that played a huge part in the social aspect in the village was the Kowie River pavilion.

For the older folks, born and raised here, the pavilion is spoken about in hushed tones of longing. Very long-winded stories are often traded about the “goings-on”.

“I met my husband there”, “Remember when so and so rode up the plank on his horse,” and similar snippets fondly recounted by all who knew the place.

From swimming and diving off the platform, fishing, to Sunday teas, parties and countless embracing uses for the beautiful old building, which used to stand at the edge of the first island (west side) of the now Royal Alfred Marina.

In 1997 I happened to be gardening along there and dug up old poles from the demolished facility. An era passed, but seldom forgotten.