Security guard nabbed for shop burglary

IT WAS a case of the fox guarding the henhouse when a security guard was arrested for breaking into a store at Rosehill Mall on his nightshift between Saturday and Sunday.

The recovered blankets and bags.

A Hi Tec Guard called MultiSecurity, requesting armed response and SAPS at 3am on Sunday morning.

A Hi Tec guard supervisor also arrived. A window was broken and there was no security camera coverage at that spot.

However, detectives discovered a guard was responsible for the break-in and he was arrested shortly after.

Police spokeswoman Captain Mali Govender said the man was charged with stealing five blankets and two bags to the value of R9 000. During the investigation, both bags and four of the blankets were recovered.

The suspect was due to appear in the Port Alfred Magistrate’s Court this week.

See this week’s Talk of the Town for other crime incidents over the past week.