The Ethekwini region of the ANC Youth League has lashed out at Pretoria High Court Judge Bashier Vally‚ who on Thursday ordered that President Jacob Zuma must furnish the DA with reasons for his controversial cabinet reshuffle.

The ruling followed a court application by the DA‚ which wants to have the cabinet shakeup set aside on the basis that it was irrational and therefore unlawful.
The reaction from the Ethekwini ANCYL was almost immediate on Thursday afternoon.
It said the courts had become an opposition party collaborator and that it would call on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to fire the judge for misconduct.
Ethekwini ANCYL secretary Thinta Cibane said the powers of the president allowed him to hire and fire members of the executive‚ as per the constitution.
“Any order by a court for the president to justify his decision would amount to a violation of the Constitution and is a spit in the face of the people‚” he said in a statement.
Cibane said the league would be writing to the JSC to request that the commission “investigate and possibly fire this judicial officer“.
“In a constitutional democracy there can never be a court order forcing an elected president to account on matters vested in his office‚ least of all to a party that was rejected by the majority of our people in the polls. Such a judgment is misconduct‚” he said.
“The JSC must sanction this judge in order to restore the credibility of the judiciary. This clear attempt at violating the constitution must be challenged and exposed for what it is‚ an attempt at overthrowing the democratically elected government of the people.”
-Tiso Black Star Group/TimesLIVE