A whole new world visualised in Port Alfred

IMAGINING A NEW PORT ALFRED: Hort Couture landscape designer and candidate landscape technologist Yvo Suijs, centre, with interns Lotte Embregts, left, and Nikki Steerneman Picture: LEBOGANG TLOU

Imagine recreational parks hosting young children playing sports around Pascoe Crescent, or a functioning railway station with a restaurant sitting behind the police station – which now serves as a cosmopolitan plaza.

These are two out of many of the town planning designs which were conceived of by Hort Couture interns Lotte Embregts and Nikki Steerneman as to how to improve social cohesion in Port Alfred.

Yvo Suijs, who was once an intern himself, is now employed by Hort Couture as a landscape designer and candidate landscape technologist; which is one of the portfolios a future in landscaping and public space design allows.

“Their projects are landscape architectural proposals in which they applied their Dutch and new learned skills to the local context of their site,” Suijs said.

Full Story in this week’s Talk of the Town