Ski-boat Club gets its house in order
ONE of the iconic institutions in the area, The Port Alfred River and Ski-boat Club (Ski-boat Club), which has been in dire financial straits for some time, has taken the bull by the horns and implemented a turn-around strategy to revitalise the club and its members.
Chairman of the Ski-boat Club, Richard Quinn, delivered a well-received address to members and supporters last Thursday evening at a cocktail party where he presented the club’s intentions in the future, and the steps taken now to set the club on an even keel.
The club has found itself in debt to SARS for over half-a-million rand, and to the Ndlambe Municipality for approximately R150 000. The new strategy takes both these debts into account and debentures have been taken by several of the members, some maturing in three years, with interest. Other members have chosen to pay membership fees for the next three, five, 10 or 20 years.
An honours board was unveiled at the meeting to honour the members who have made major contributions to the club.
See the whole story in this week’s Talk of the Town