OUR recent online poll asked readers what they feel should happen to the old, unoccupied Spur building at the end of the pier at the Port Alfred small boat harbour.

Fifty-two readers voted. The highest percentage of votes (19 votes and 37% of the total) went with the option that the venue should become a nightclub again, along the lines of the legendary Barnacles, which used to occupy the space more than a decade ago.
Twelve people (23%) said it should be a restaurant, perhaps part of a chain.
Seven (13%) voted that it become a tourism information centre, while six people (12%) felt that it should be demolished and converted to public viewing area.
Ten percent of respondents (five votes) said the place should be turned into a youth activity centre.
The option that it be used as a wedding hire venue was also added and got three votes (6%).
Numerous people left comments under the Facebook link about the poll but did not vote. In those comments the common theme was also in favour of a revival of Barnacles.