Wednesday April 6: Buco individual stableford, with 82 players.
Trophy: Jones- Phillipson cup Results: 1st: Leon Lee – 67 2nd: Ian Sawers – 67 3rd: Don Broedelet – 68 4th: John Bradfield – 68 5th: Zola Mgudwa – 69
Two clubs: 4th: N van der Linde 6th: R Wright 11th: R Acton, G Bladen 13th: B Shaw, K Heny

Best gross: 73 – Desmond Mjimla Nearest the pins: Debonairs Pizza – 6th: Brian Reid Kowie River Cruises – 8th: Gert Str ydom The Wharf Street Brew Pub – 11th: Roger Acton Dulux – 13th: Dereck Sinclair Wimpy longest drive – 14th: Grant Acton VW
Nearest the pin for two on the first: Warren Solz
Saturday April 9: Sanlam Cancer Challenge, an individual stableford with 87 players.
Results: A Division: 1st: Leon Evans – 40, 2nd: Earl Tsolikele – 40, 3rd: Kevin Heny – 39
B Division: 1st: Butch Lee – 40, 2nd: Derek Braans – 39, 3rd: Andy Barnes – 38
C Division: 1st: Adriaan White – 40, 2nd: Corrie van Zyl – 38, 3rd: Hugh Holmes – 38
Two clubs 6th: J Kew, T Counihan 8th: B Shaw, R Hoar, F Vidale 11th: Ian Moncur 13th: O Pieterse Best gross: 70 – John Kew Best net: 68 – Earl Tsolekile
Nearest the pins: Mooifontein Quarry – 6th: Terry Counihan Auto Smart Body Shop – 8th: Riaan van der Merwe Lalibela – 11th: Ockie Pieterse
The Wharf Street Brew Pub – 13th: Ockie Pieterse Wimpy longest drive – 18th – Desmond Mjimla Royal St Andrews – Nearest the pin for two on the 1st: Zola Mgudwa 1820s Golf
Monday April 4: 22 players in a fine day for golf. Winners on 38: Ernie Allen, Louis van der Walt, Dennis McElwee, Dudley Kieser. Moosehead on 44: Don Howarth, Barry Scarterfield, Ken Banks. Good scores: 49 – Albert Whitfield, Derek van Harmelen, Louis van der Walt, Dennis McElwee, Dale Wisener, 48 – Barry Scarterfield, Dudley Kieser, 45 – Lawton Amos. Good scores: 8th Dale Wisener, 11th Dave Beatt.
Thursday April 7: 20 players in overcast conditions. Winners on 41: Andy Simpson, Albert Whitfield, Dave Frazer, Barry Scar terfield. Moosehead on 48: Guy Hilton-Barber, Cecil Jones-Phillipson, Chris Day, Ernie Allen. Good scores: 49 – Louis van der Walt, Gordon Todd, 48 – Bill Ball.
Two clubs: None.
Forthcoming events: Saturday April 16: Pennypinchers/ Windhoek Lager – Pa i r s Championships Sunday April 17: Algoa Golf Club Wednesday April 20: Lalibela/Arabella Wine Saturday April 23: PSG
Sunday April 24:
Border Juniors golf day Monday April 25 to Saturday April 30: Mad Hatters
Ladies’ Golf April 5: The morning’s pumping westerly winds probably limited the field to 20 for the monthly medal competition sponsored by Pick n Pay. Shirley Heny’s nett 74 won the silver division, with Ronel Hough counting out Glynnis Renecle into second place on nett 75. Liz Maugham won the bronze division and the Marge Parrish trophy shooting nett 72 and beating Gaby Hausman-Tarpani into second place on net 74.
Ronel (28) and Gaby (30) won the concomitant putting competitions played every medal day in the silver and bronze divisions respectively.
The longest drives were held on the ninth and struck by Glynnis and Amanda Broom in the low and high handicap sections, respectively.
Jane Bladen holed the only two-club of the afternoon after being closest to the pin on Harcourts’ eighth. Amanda was nearest on Top Carpets’ sixth and Gaby on Wimpy’s 11th. Ronel was closest-for-two on River Spa’s 13th. The competition on April 19 will be a three ball alliance.
Fresh Stop Port Alfred Mixed April 9:
Absolutely ideal weather for golf with the sun shining, not too hot and little wind of consequence, proved to encourage a good turnout of 33 players, despite a large contingent of our lady players playing in the RPAGC Open tournament at the Belmont Valley GC in Grahamstown. The players were drawn into threeball mixed covies playing a two-tocount stableford alliance.
Lynne West, Dale Wisener and Paul Fryer carded a well- played 90 to easily win the morning’s proceedings. Liz Mangham, Bryan Robinson and Mike Brown came home second with 86 points. The only all men’s covey of Eric Segers, Brian Hayward and Tim Shanks found the going difficult as they managed to card just 70 points to end up bottom of the list.
Nevertheless, recipient energy drinks were issued to them compliments of the sponsors. Lizzie Lambrechts went home a bottle of wine better off for being closest-to-the-pin on the eighth. She ended up birdying this hole as did Lynne West. Good individual nett scores were made by Lizzie Mangham (67 – just a few weeks after her knee replacement), Heather van Harmelen, Lynne West and Dee Jones-Phillipson (69).
KGB Results Tuesday April 5:
Gale force westerly winds negated a good turnout on Tuesday although 23 players braved these adverse conditions to be drawn into five four balls and one three ball to play the usual two-to-count stableford alliance. With the wind howling, the 83 points carded by John Abbott, Heinz Czepluch, Graham Findlay and Eric Segers were sufficient to win the competition.
Brian Shirley, John Muggeridge, Johny Johnston and Geoff Handley were just one point in arrears on 82 to take second place. The dreaded Hamer en Sukkel went to John Abbot, Martin Weaver, Dale Wisener and Cliff Roberts who felt the pace of the wind as they went about carding just 62 points. There were no individual performances of note and the only two-clubs were holed by Brian Reid (sixth) and Tommy Meyer (11th).
Friday April 9: Great weather conditions with a slight easterly wind provided an inviting background for golf and 39 players heeded the call to play. Nine four-balls and one three-ball played a two-to-count stableford alliance.
Tim Shanks, Eric Segers, Brian Hayward and the fair Rosie Calmeyer-Leach provided the highest score with 94 points. Gaby Tarpani, Dave Kirk, Dale Wisener and Mike Brown came home second on 91.
The usually immaculate Barrie B Brady ate a little crow as, partnered with Mark Warren, Russell Warren and Mike McNamara, he spent his duration at the 19th hole with his covey and the Hamer en Sukkel trophy. Par three birdies were sunk by Barrie, Brian Hayward, (sixth), Tim Shanks (eighth) and Martin Lambrechts (13th).
Tommy Meyer totaled three two-clubs for the KGB week by putting out his drives on both the eighth and the 11th. The best net scores were recorded by Dave Kirk and Bryan Robinson (69).