I WOULD like to set the record straight regarding claims made by Brigadier Morgan Govender regarding the CPF [Community Policing Forum] in the article which was published in the TOT on May 26.
The true facts are as follows:
The late Dr Paul Quenet listened to a radio chat show hosting the chairperson of the Pietermaritzburg Community Police Forum about the activities of a CPF, and decided that this should be established in Port Alfred. To this end he approached the police, the media and service clubs to form a forum in Port Alfred.
Dr Quenet invited the interviewee, Stuart Knight to address interested parties in Port Alfred and funded all travelling expenses for this out of his own pocket.
As a result of this a CPF was formed under his chairmanship. Efforts were made to get neighborhood watches established. He also invoked Business Against Crime to help establish a Rapid Rural Response whereby community safety organisations like police, security companies, traffic, fire department and vehicle towing would combine their efforts to combat crime by communicating with one another by radios sponsored by Multi Security on a radio channel sponsored by Business against Crime.
Dr Quenet worked tirelessly (and sometimes doggedly) on getting all of the above established and deserves the credit for this. All this was organised during the time that Govender was station commander of Port Alfred Station but for him to claim that he “revived” the CPF, is bending the truth.
GUNTHER JOHANNSEN, forum member from 2007 to present with five years as chairperson.