FIRSTLY, we wish all the mothers out there a very special and happy Mother’s Day for Sunday. This is the one day of the year where moms should not have to lift a finger all day, and we hope that dads and kids will all help to make mom feel particularly special. Here is a poem that comes to mind, particularly on Mother’s Day. It is titled, A Mother . . . “When you’re a child she walks before you, to set an example. When you’re a teenager she walks behind you, to be there should you need her. When you’re an adult she walks beside you, so that as two friends you can enjoy life together”.
THE Crafter’s Corner Market is on this Saturday at the girl guide hall. Get there to sample some excellent local craft as well as sampling some of the fare. There is also a spit-braai at the Manley Flats Cricket Club on Saturday evening, and the Kenton/Alax annual Golf Classic at the Fish River Sun. For more information on these events plus others, please refer to the diaries in this section of the paper.
ON the local front, we are still awaiting a decision on the land-claim case being heard at the Port Alfred Magistrate’s Court. Last week it seemed as though an answer would be forthcoming from the three presiding judges but, as of yesterday, the case seemed far from over. Now, to add a new element to the mix, farmers who were not even aware that their land was being discussed have suddenly realised that their farms may be in jeopardy. Talk of the Town has been following the stories of the Prudhoe, Tharfield and AmaZizi clans, but now it seems that farms outside the previously identified area may also be part of the claim. We will continue to monitor the situation and report on our web page and Facebook page and group should any conclusions be reached.
LAST week Friday, residents of the informal New Rest settlement, intended simply as an overflow from Nemato Township, and not for permanent settlement, are angry that their cries for assistance have been ignored for the last 17 years. Having barricaded the R67 at the Thornhill intersection, residents demanded RDP houses at Thornhill or else land to allow them to build their own. Initially, the municipality intended to move people from New Rest to Thornhill, and then demolish the New Rest shacks. But this did not happen and residents are now complaining that they have been forgotten, feeling that setting fires on the main road to Bathurst would encourage dialogue with the municipality. Ndlambe speaker Vivian Maphaphu initially organised a meeting with residents for Tuesday, but this was delayed to Wednesday as infrastructure director Noluthando Vithi was unavailable. See our web page and Facebook for updates on this story.
IT was nice to see so many happy faces when Dambuza Primary School foundation phase pupils visited the Dr IK Mabindisa Library in Nemato. As librarian Mercy Papu said: “We want to encourage a culture of reading in our children”. Well, from the enthusiasm among the pupils, you seem to have reached your objective.
ON to national news, President Jacob Zuma is in the headlines again for all the wrong reasons. After his axing of former finance minister Pravin Gordhan along with his deputy, Mcebisi Jonas, the act of which plunged South Africa onto the cusp of another recession and considerably weakened the Rand, the DA demanded that Zuma release his report that gave the reasons for the pair’s dismissal. The case was heard by judge Bashire Valley in the Pretoria High Court, who ordered Zuma to release the report to the DA within five working days of the judgment. Today the five days are up, and it will be interesting if Zuma will take the court seriously or, as has happened in the past, he simply ignores the order. The DA is convinced that the sacking of Gordhan was motivated by an unsubstantiated intelligence report that apparently has Gordhan making secret deals with various other countries.
HAPPY birthday greetings and good wishes to everyone celebrating a special day in the week ahead, especially Ralph Clegg, Lynn Roberts, Donné Mather-Pike, Kristen Wilson, Clint Roesstorff, Debbie Axe, Cally Garden, Malcolm Noel, Nolungile Gula, Ronald Jones, Angus Schlemmer, Almarie Garner, Merrick Clayton, Carmantha Barkhuizen, Nan Robinson, Wayne du Plessis, Jenny Pincente, Quinton Ruiters, John Larder-Burke, Marion Cleugh, twins Carter and Freya Prince, Hein Swart, Kelly Fella, Zoe Lee Koch, Carla de la Mare, Bev Scoble, Michelle Seegers, Terry Brickhill, Dan Ward, Chris de Wet Steyn, Jakkie Westraadt, Caitlin Barnard, Thelma du Preez, Margaret Frances, Brian Kibby, Colleen Wood, Lêlin Frankenfeldt, Kristin Waters, Rowan Haller, Debbie Axe and Angus Schlemmer.
BUSINESS anniversary congratulations followed by good wishes for continued success go to the following businesses and organisations – Kowie Key (in Van der Riet Street), The Sky Gallery (Kenton-on-Sea), St John’s Anglican Church (179th anniversary in Bathurst).
JUST when you thought the currency had stabilised, it sinks again against international currencies due, in part, to the governments “radical economic transformation” agenda which no one seems to understand and, for which there seems to be no standard definition or a plan in place. Even finance minister Malusi Gigaba failed to define what the phrase meant, when he addressed parliament on Tuesday. Suggesting that now is the time for radical action seems more of a party slogan aimed at bolstering the ANC’s factionalised membership and badly tarnished reputation. With last years figures in brackets to compare against, the rand was trading at R13.52 to the dollar, R17.48 to the pound (R22.07) and R14.70 to the euro (R17.38). Gold is trading at $1 225.58 per ounce ($1 262.69), a greatly deflated platinum was trading at $909.10 per ounce ($1 085.25) and a slightly lower Brent crude oil at $49.19 per barrel ($44.38).
SPECIAL thoughts and prayers are with all those folk who are not well, who are having or have already had tests, operations and treatments. “Sterkte” to Roy Potter, Andrew de Vries, June Hart, Dot Fetherstonhaugh, Ben Kember, Myrna Keet, Barbara Tee, Brenda Shelton.
OUR condolences to the family and friends of Norman Clayton who passed away in his 96th year on May 6, and his funeral will be held at the Shaw Park Hall at 12pm on Friday May 12.
WE were also sorry to hear of the death of Rachel Ann Leeming on May 3. Our condolences to husband Roy and the rest of her family and friends.
CONGRATULATIONS and continued happiness to everyone celebrating a wedding anniversary in the week ahead, especially Tony and Trish Versfeld, John and Karen Kew, Cliff and Jacqui Tutton, Peter and Edna Smethurst, Bruce and Gwen Venters, Gary and Theresa Smith.
THOUGHT for the week: “Mothers hold their child’s hand for a little while, but their heart forever” – we wish all mothers a happy and peaceful day on Sunday, May 14.
BEST regards as always,
The Team