Maimane offers Zille ‘political solution’

The impasse between former DA leader Helen Zille may be resolved on Tuesday pending a proposed “political solution” by current leader Mmusi Maimane which would see the party avert a lengthy legal process.

Maimane has asked his former boss Zille to accede to a political agreement that serves both the country and the party to end the impasse over her tweets on colonialism.

The DA’s federal executive committee will meet on Tuesday to ratify the agreement between Zille and the party.

A political solution to the crisis will likely be announced at media on Tuesday morning to end the impasse over the Western Cape premiers’s tweets over colonialism.

Zille suspended for refusing to apologise for colonialism tweet

It is understood that a deal was proposed to Zille in which she would retain her post as premier until 2019 but would lose her influence in the party. The deal is part of a package to which parties have yet to agree.

Business Day understands that the proposal would sidestep a lengthy disciplinary process which could have led to Zille’s expulsion and a subsequent legal process.

The proposal would see Zille bowing down to the party leadership’s requirements to desist from comments on its direction and in its policies.

She would keep her post as premier until 2019 but that is where her role in the party would end.