To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That is the question

EACH week Talk of the Town poses a question to our readers on our Facebook page and group. This week’s Facebook question was: In light of the Eastern Cape Health Department’s latest vaccination programme, how do you feel about vaccinations for school children?

From the results, it appears that some parents have strong opinions about vaccinations.

Angela Liesenberg summed up her sentiments, “In two words…..herd immunity”.

“I don’t vaccinate my kids! And Won’t,” wrote Natalie Davenport

“My first child had injections up to six months old; his immune system is beyond weak. Every slight cold turns into some serious infection. My daughter, 10 months younger, had her first inoculation in hospital when born and polio, no other injections. She is never sick! Gets flu/cold over in two days maximum. My personal experience, but I will definitely not inoculate my children.”

Beverly Young wrote, “A difficult question to answer. I was vaccinated (70 years ago). My sons and grandchildren are all done. Perhaps one should look at history, worldwide, and make informed decisions regarding this, rather than mouthing the modern concepts of NO.

“I think one of the problems is that the number of vaccines children now have to have has increased considerably,”  Penny Elliott explained. “I battle to understand how we can be told that new-born babies cannot cope with anything other than breast milk, or a specially formulated milk for babies. [Yet,] at the same time, we should inject a whole bunch of chemicals into them.

“If I was having children today I would insist on seeing the manufacturers insert on the vaccine, and if it does say ‘could cause death’, as we are told they do, I would definitely say NO!”

Gavin Came wrote, “No credible research against vaccines,” but Mauneen Charter countered, expressing the general feeling among the readers. “If I had the option I would not,” she wrote.