Crime Briefs: January 15 to January 24

CRIME IS RIFE: The message to residents is to look out for one another and report all crimes to the SAPS to enable them to compile accurate reports and assign officers to the hot-spots
  • On Friday January 15 at 8.10am MultiSecurity control room was alerted to a break-in at Frameworks in Campbell Street.

The window had been broken with a stick and a Dell laptop had been stolen. A case was opened with SAPS.

  • A suspicious person was reported to be on Mentone Road and Anglers Way wearing dark clothing after 8pm on January 15. Security officers patrolled the area but found nothing.
  • Just after 8am on Saturday January 16 there was an attempted break-in at a home in Hockley Road.

The resident of the property said between 1.20am and 2.35am that morning dogs in the area had been barking. After inspection, marks on the entrance door frame indicated someone had attempted and failed to gain entry. No case was opened with SAPS.

  • At 8.38am that same morning an alarm was received from a home in William Pierce Street where an assailant was attempting to break-in. No description of the man was available. No report was submitted to SAPS.

  • On Sunday January 17 at 1.38pm a trespasser was caught at the Travelco property at Snelgar Lane. The trespasser was a 12-year-old boy who was taken to his parents’ home and promised he would not trespass again.


  • On Monday January 18 an alleged thief was caught in Biscay Road at 1.35pm. The female had apparently stolen fruit and various other items through an open window of a home there. A case was opened with SAPS but, after consideration, the complaint was withdrawn.


  • That evening, at 8.28pm a suspicious man in Van Riebeeck Street was reported to the MultiSecurity control room. The man was apparently carrying a box on his head. A patrol by security officers found nothing. The officers did find a man in Campbell Street, without a box but with an empty firearm shell on him. He was arrested and taken to SAPS.


  • On Tuesday January 19 at around 10.38pm a truck’s passenger side window was smashed at Gem Auto in the industrial area. When the owner was contacted by MultiSecurity he said he was aware that the truck’s battery had been stolen but knew nothing about a broken window. There was nothing valuable in the truck but a case was opened with SAPS who continue with the investigation.


  • On Saturday January 23 at 25-minutes past midnight, a report was received regarding three men trespassing on a property in Nelson Street. However, when the property-owner’s daughter was contacted she informed MultiSecurity that the three men were relatives, but still wanted the SAPS to sort out the matter. No case was opened with SAPS.


  • Also on Saturday at around 1.35am, dogs were reported to be baking excessively on Smith Street. After patrolling nothing suspicious was reported. Less than half an hour later another case of excessive barking was made, this time in the York Road/Park Avenue. After patrolling, officers again found nothing.

  • Later on Saturday morning, at 9.35am, there was an attempted break-in at the front door of the Kowie Bowls Club. A window was also broken but no entry was attained. No case was opened with SAPS.


  • Someone jumped over the wall of a property in Dorkin Street wearing a black shirt and green pants. Security officers patrolled the area but did not see anyone meeting that description.


  • At 6.48pm Hi Tec Security (Grahamstown) reported a panic from the pump station in Hards Street. The guard on duty had been assaulted by three individual attackers who stabbed him and stole his cell phone. Gardmed and SAPS were informed and the guard was taken to PA Hospital.

  • On Sunday January 24 at 12.37pm a break-in at a property in Stocks Avenue was reported after an alarm sent a MultiSecurity officer to investigate. On arrival the officer phoned in for backup as he saw the break-in and reported that the perpetrator was still on the premises. A white male was captured and handed over to police. The robber had broken a bathroom window and stolen from the bathroom cabinet. Security reported that the man was aggressive and swore profusely at the officers. He also admitted he was hi on Tik. The man threatened that once out of jail, he would find those who arrested him. A case was opened with SAPS and the man remanded in police custody.