Wage negotiations begin for municipal workers

The SA Local Government Association has begun wage negotiations with unions representing workers in all municipalities across the country.

Salga is negotiating on behalf of all municipalities in the country at the SA Local Government Bargaining Council.

“The negotiations which are currently underway at the South African Local Government Bargaining Council (SALGBC) are as a result of the main collective agreement signed in 2015 coming to an end in June 2018‚” Samwu said on Monday.

Trade unions have submitted joint opening demands to the employer body which are:
– A single year agreement;
– An across the board 15% salary increase or R3‚155‚ whichever is greater;
– R2‚000 housing allowance for all employees;
– R10‚000 minimum wage for all municipal workers; and
– All benefits and conditions of service linked to salaries to increase by the same percentage as the across-the-board salary increase.

“The presented demands are a response to the situation which municipal workers find themselves in. We are convinced that municipal workers should be better remunerated so that they are able to keep up with the rising cost of living. We will therefore fight hard to ensure that municipal workers get increases which would enable them to live a better life than they currently are‚ particularly given the fact that they are the least paid government employees‚” Samwu said.

By: Penwell Dlamini – TimesLIVE

Source: TMG Digital.