World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD) is an annual international event celebrated on the first Saturday of May by gardeners and non-gardeners alike.
According to Wikipedia, WNGD “has become an annual tradition that celebrates weeding, planting flowers and trimming hedges in the buff. While it’s linked to a movement of nudists who promote wholesome and unashamed acceptance of the human body, the day is meant to be funny, lighthearted and non-political, founders say.”
The WNGD Facebook page states “People across the globe are encouraged, on the first Saturday of May, to tend their portion of the world’s garden unclothed as nature intended.”
According to the UK Telegraph, the event was founded in 2005 and is used as a way to encourage people to move towards “a healthy sense of both body acceptance and our relation to the natural environment. According to a national on-line calendar, “it was first celebrated in 2004, World Naked Gardening Day was founded by Mark Storey”.