The Zero to Hero G2C Training Programme

The Zero to Hero G2C 6-week training programme was compiled by The Cycle Asylum’s Peter Southwood. The serious recreational cyclist’s programme is based on his experience with the management of various local sponsored teams – the Toyota Cycle Lab U16s, ASG Junior team and ASG U23 team.


Whether you are planning to do your first race or improving on your previous performance, these key notes will help you achieve your goals.

    Cramming your training into the last few weeks will be detrimental to your performance on the day. Likewise, doing too much in your first few sessions without being able to recover will slow down your training.
    Make sure you know how long you realistically intend to ride (time wise). The training plan is based on hours.
    You should spend most of your ride in your aerobic state. This is 50%-80% of your maximal effort. This training plan will help you build your endurance and help you ride for longer more comfortably. For most of us, this is the “zone” in which we burn fat and teach our bodies to be more efficient.
    You can add intervals (short, intense bursts) to make the sessions harder, build strength and increase road speed. Short bursts up steep hills, riding at a certain intensity within a set period (e.g. 30 seconds or one minute) are good tools. The intensity raises your metabolic rate and heart rate much higher than steady state training, so you burn more energy and get fitter, faster.



You don’t have to use a heart-rate monitor to estimate what training zone you’re in. Here are some guidelines based on how each zone feels.

ZONE 1 (easy): Feels like getting up to make tea when you’ve been sitting on the couch.

ZONE 2 (moderate): Easy to ride, slight exertion, all-day pace riding and able to hold a conversation.

ZONE 3 (hard): You can only talk in short sentences and are breathing heavily, but not going flat-out. Not asble to maintain this pace for long periods.

ZONE 4: (difficult): As hard as you can turn your pedals around: this is all-out effort, where you are giving everything.

  • Warm up for 10 minutes before you increase the intensity of your ride.


* Training time in Week 1 is 6 hours. This is your base – “time in the saddle” – to build endurance and strength. Manage the time you have available in the week and make sure you have adequate recovery between sessions.
* Make sure your equipment is in good working condition and that you have spares when you are out riding.
* Nutrition and hydration are key when riding. Aim to drink 750ml of water every hour of riding.


1.5 hours: Over flat terrain aim to ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate (Zone 2)

1 hour: Over flat terrain, aim to ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate (Zone 2). Stay seated as you pedal at a low cadence in a hard gear.

30 min: Give your legs a rest. Strengthen your core by doing sit-ups, pushups, pull-ups, plank.


2 hours: Over varied terrain ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate (Zone 2). Keep your gearing light.

1 hour: Over varied terrain ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate (Zone 2). Stay seated as you pedal at a low cadence. Best do this on a steep hill.



Training week 2 is 6 hours and is intended to build endurance and strength. This is base training – “time in the saddle”. You may switch the days around to suit you. Make sure you have adequate recovery between each session. Adding more hours to your training volume will increase your performance.


TUESDAY (1 hour riding time)
Over flat terrain aim to ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate, or Zone 2
Get in 10 minutes in Zone 3

WEDNESDAY (1 hour including warm-up and cool-down)
No planned base training but get in 8 x 10-second sprints at your max (warm up first and cool down afterwards).

THURSDAY (1.5 hours riding time)
Over flat terrain aim to ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate, or Zone 2
Get in 2 x 10 minutes in Zone 3


SATURDAY (1 hour riding time)
Easy ride that includes 5 x sprints at your max
Keep your gearing light during most of the ride

SUNDAY (2.5 hours riding time)
Over varied terrain ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate (Zone 2) most of the time
Get in 20 minutes in Zone 3


This is an 8-hour week of building endurance and strength. You may switch days around to suit you, just make sure you have adequate recovery between each sessions. Aim to get in one ride this week that is 70% of your race day distance. Remember to warm up and cool down on your rides to reduce injury.


TUESDAY (1 hour riding time)
Over flat terrain aim to ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate, or Zone 2
Do 5 x 10sec sprints

WEDNESDAY (2 hours)
Over varied terrain aim to ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate, or Zone 2, most of the ride
Get in 20min zone 3


FRIDAY (1 hour including warm-up and cool-down)
On a steep hill – plan to repeat this hill 5 times. Takes you less than 2min to climb 5-10min recovery between each effort.
On the hill zone 4 (max)

SATURDAY (1.5 hours riding time)
Easy Ride – no planned training. Keep your gearing light during most of the ride.

SUNDAY (2.5 hours riding time)
Over varied terrain aim to ride at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate, or Zone 2, most of the ride
Get in 10min zone 3


6-hour week aimed at building strength. You may switch days around to suit you. Make sure you have adequate recovery between each sessions. For these strength workouts, use your bike’s gearing and steeper terrain to help.Remember to warm up before and cool down after your rides to reduce injury.


TUESDAY (Ride time 1 hour)
Stay seated for most of the ride. Aim to ride in zone 3 on the climbs and use a hard gear going up. Recover on the down hills

WEDNESDAY (Ride time 2 hours)
Over varied terrain ride at 50-60% of your max heart rate (Zone 2) most of the ride.

Get in some core work: planking, sit-ups, pull-ups, pushups, squats
Stretch and recover.


SATURDAY (2 hours riding time)
Easy ride – no planned training. Keep your gearing light during most of the ride.

SUNDAY (1 hour on a steep hill)
Plan to repeat this hill 5 times. It should take you less than 2 minutes to climb. Give yourself 5-10 minutes recovery between each effort (i.e. easy pedaling on a flat stretch).
On the hill you should be in zone 4 (your maximum).


6-hour week aimed at building speed and tapering. You may switch days around to suit you, but make sure you have adequate recovery between each session. If you have been following the programme, you should have some good miles in your legs and some muscle tension after the efforts. After this week, there is one week to taper and take it easy before the race day.

• Keep the momentum going and use your motivation to pay more attention to your diet.
• Eating healthily will aid your recovery.
• Remember to warm up before and cool down after your rides to reduce the chance of injury.


TUESDAY (ride time 1 hour)
On a steep hill – plan to repeat this hill five times. Choose a hill (or section of one) that takes you less than two minutes to climb. Take 5-10minutes recovery between each effort (i.e. easy pedalling on a level section).
On the hill you should be in Zone 4 (max).

WEDNESDAY (1 hour)
Easy ride, light gears – Zone 1-2

THURSDAY (1 hour)
Warm up well for 15 minutes and then:
Get in 2×10 minutes in Zone 3. Recover between each interval for 10 minutes.


SATURDAY (2.5 hours)
Last long ride before the event: Zone 2 over a varied terrain. If you can, simulate (or ride on) the race route.

SUNDAY (2 hours)
Easy ride using light gears: Keep in Zone 2 most of the time. Get in 4 x hill efforts in Zone 3.


Race week 

  • You may ride easy during the race week if you are racing on Sunday.
  • Don’t do any long strenuous efforts – all the work is done and anything you may do this week will just make you tired.
  • Make sure your bike is in good condition to complete the event. After all you have done the hard work and don’t want to be let down.
  • Make sure you eat healthily as your diet will make a big impact on your ride. Nutrition is important. Take something with to eat during your ride to keep energy levels topped up.
  • Pace yourself during the event and know your limits.
  • Enjoy the challenge, enjoy the ride!