Ride for a Child stops over in Port Alfred

There were fewer support bikers than usual when the Ride for a Child convoy rode into Port Alfred on Sunday, but the fundraising group were still upbeat about their 7,000km trip around South Africa.

Ride for a Child was started by Pediatric(correct) Care Africa to help raise funds to pay for surgeries for needy children.

This was Pediatric Care Africa’s third Ride for a Child, visiting the most northern, southern, eastern and western points in South Africa accessible by road bike as they spread awareness of their cause.

Riding on his Harley Davidson Road King, Pediatric Care Africa CEO and founder Dr Andre Hattingh was accompanied by fellow biker Lazyja Steyn, whose company Skankane Transport also sponsored the support vehicle driven by Willie Geel. The trio are together for the entire length of the journey.

Along the way, by spreading word, they and invite individual riders and motorcycle clubs across South Africa to join them for part of the route in their area and support the cause.